The Real Grunfink

The Real Grunfink (

Föderation · Mi 28.02.2024 10:35:06

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.48 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

A new instance page, that shows all posts by users in the same instance (like the public instance timeline, but interactive). This will help building communities.

Follower-only replies to unknown users are not shown in timelines.

Added verification of metadata links: if the linked page contains a link back to the snac user with a rel="me" attribute, it's marked as verified.

Added a new server-level configuration parameter: min_account_age. If this value (in seconds) is set in server.json, any activity coming from accounts that were created newer than that will be discarded. This can be used to mitigate spam.

Added a profile-page relation to links in webfinger responses (contributed by khm).

Fixed some regressions and a crash.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the album The Sudbury Inn by .