

Raven (

Föderation DE Do 29.02.2024 07:26:43

KDE Plasma 6 released alongside Frameworks 6 and Gear 24.02 with partial support for HDR, new overview effect, floating panel and new panel settings, new default settings, refreshed Breeze theme experience, reorganized settings app, KWin cube effect


Fedi:Tagestipp/tröt (@tagestipp) Bot

Lokal DE Mi 28.02.2024 17:07:36


Sengi ist ein Fediverse-Client für den und nutzt die --, um sich mit Konten auf kompatiblen Instanzen zu verbinden.

Nach eigenen Angaben handelt es sich bei Sengi um einen mehrkontenfähigen Mastodon- und -Desktop-Client und .

Das von Nicolas Constant entwickelte Sengi steht für , und zur Verfügung.

Website des Projekts:

Whalebird im Fediverse:

Logo von Sengi

(Medien: 1)


Fedi:Tagestipp/tröt (@tagestipp) Bot

Lokal DE Mo 12.02.2024 15:00:02


Whalebird ist ein Fediverse-Client für den und nutzt die --, um sich mit Konten auf kompatiblen Instanzen zu verbinden.

Nach eigenen Angaben werden , und gelistet. Und funktioniert auch soweit.

Das von Akira Fukushima entwickelte Whalebird ist eine -Anwendung und steht für , und zur Verfügung.

Website des Projekts:

Whalebird im Fediverse:

Logo von Whalebird

Quelle: Whalebird-Repository, AkiraFukushima, h3poteto

(Medien: 1)

Stefano Marinelli

Stefano Marinelli (

Föderation EN Mi 31.01.2024 19:31:44

It's been an incredibly intense week, and it's only Wednesday. This morning, I had to drive 200 km through icy fog and heavy traffic. However, this afternoon was dedicated to setting up a FreeBSD server.

The client wanted to retain some of the features from their old Linux system. I came up with the idea of directly passing the two physical disks to bhyve and booting them. The boot was immediate, and there were no issues. The new FreeBSD server was up and running, and the 'old' Linux was now operating as a VM, working perfectly on the physical disks.

The client was pleased with the outcome and asked me to set up a native FreeBSD desktop, encrypted because they will store important data. I hadn't installed a FreeBSD desktop recently, but it turned out to be easier than expected (no wifi involved).

I installed xorg, the Nvidia drivers, nvidia-xconfig (which generated the configuration file perfectly), kde5, sddm, Firefox, LibreOffice, the Nextcloud client, and made a few small adjustments to get the keyboard audio buttons working. Even suspend/resume functionality worked flawlessly, which amazed the client.

I then created a jail on the server and set up zfs-autobackup to back up the client's PC on the server (of course, on an encrypted dataset). Time to go home, satisfied with the outcome.


gyptazy (

Föderation · Mi 31.01.2024 06:03:02

Hm, I’m thinking about switching completely my personal servers to based systems. Why?

Because I can! For real, it’s an awesome new platform, almost no one is using it for production (because of the limited support (especially currently from an OS perspective), knowledge and performance). However, I’m already running some boards in production, some tests I already shared with you (see also summary) and we saw that it’s easily running my workloads - so why not?

So when speaking about „why not“ my first issue is that it would force me to instead of . It would be the first time since 2008 running personal Linux server instead of BSD based ones. It’s not a knowledge problem, I heavily even contribute to a Debian based distribution as a developer, it’s more an aspect of philosophy.

If you’re interested in (especially the board), see also:

* Fediverse with snac:
* Weberserver (testrun for a day):
* More details:
* Benchmarks:
* Docs:
* Chat: We also have a chat for RISC related topics in the BSD cafe. Feel free to join us at:


gyptazy (

Föderation · Mi 31.01.2024 05:16:51

I got asked about the 's board power consumption:
Idle: 7.3W
Full: 13.4W

Notes: Only ethernet and SD plugged in, Full test is running all cores on 100%. Running on latest image. Measured with Refoss Smart Plug (accuracy unknown)


gyptazy (

Föderation · Sa 27.01.2024 10:55:57

Get ready! starts next weekend! Happy to see you all in person - let’s have some cool chats, watch awesome and together. You can’t miss me - watch out for this shirt


gyptazy (

Föderation · Fr 26.01.2024 18:41:50

Some more insights behind the board running on architecture. Operating systems like , & other distros, and precompiled stuff...


gyptazy (

Föderation · Mi 24.01.2024 07:41:00

Ok, starting right now - web-services are temporary served (see also the attached image) by this ( board from home. If something is a little bit slower than usual it might depend on this hardware or on the limited upstream of 50Mbit. Grafana performance metrics will be provided by the end of the day.


gyptazy (

Föderation · Mi 24.01.2024 06:12:34

Today, not a blog post on my personal page rather than the company one. It’s nothing special and should just provide a short high level view for externals of on ( in general) with ( as an easy to use and user friendly control panel. Alternatives to on are still present and more important than ever. You can find it here: